
How to Eat and Burn Fat at the Same Time


The human body is easily susceptible for weight gains due to sugar and salt cravings. This is just the nature of how things work, but that does not mean you have to sit idly by and watch your form slip away from your grasp! You can control this by eating the proper foods spaced out between meals throughout the day. However, fad diets and misinformation run rampant across the web telling you to starve yourself in order to maintain a "low calories" or "low carbs" diet plan. In reality the simple foundation for keeping your body lean is simple; eat foods that are healthy, and exercise frequently.

Why Do People Always Talk About Carbs?

Carbohydrates - or carbs - are the biggest talk in the fitness scene because they contain glucose or fructose, which are forms of sugar that your metabolism uses to create energy. When eaten correctly this macronutrient does what it is supposed, but eaten excessively you gain fat quickly.

When carbs are broken they are sent down to be stored in your muscles and then your liver. After that the rest is sent to fat cells waiting to become filled. The truth though is that you can gain weight from eating anything in excessive amounts, and that includes vegetables! So what you have to do is eat carbs in moderation just like any other kind of foods, but also keep in mind that you require more grams of carbs per day than protein.

Great carbs to eat are brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, and oats. Have popcorn on the side for snacking. Why would you want popcorn if you want to stay slim and burn fat? Honestly your body craves snacks, and why take away everything anyway since you only live once. Popcorn is actually a whole grain that provides your body with one daily serving of the amount needed of carbs, and you get fiber as well.

The High Protein Diet Plan

This is another diet plan that focuses on eating a higher amount of one macronutrient while sacrificing another. The whole point of this diet is to eat a higher amount of protein to keep your body full and appetite suppressed. This is where the saying "Good initiative, bad judgement" comes into use. Yes, protein does fill your stomach up and keep your cravings down for a couple of hours, but you cannot sacrifice the amount of carbs in order to achieve this.

Protein is found in all meats, but to stay lean focus on the breast meat of turkey and chicken. They contain a lesser amount of saturated fat compared to pork and beef. Then fish are a great source of protein that contain omega-3 fatty acids as well. You also have dairy products for slower digesting protein, and of course eggs.

Not All Fats Are Bad

Dietary fats are actually needed by your body and make up the third macronutrient that must be consumed on a daily basis. The amount needed is not high, but still something that should remain in your diet. People often confuse dietary fats - like olive oil and canola oil- with unhealthy fats. Saturated and trans fats are the ones you do not want in your diet. They cause cholesterol buildups that clog your arteries and cause health issues to occur.

You can eat properly now that you know all of these nutrients are needed regardless if you are muscle building or burning fat. Each person also has to eat the required amount of calories each day depending on their weight amount and activity levels.

The basic rundown of it all is that too many people are starving themselves just to lose weight, and if you are losing a lot of weight that is bad! You want to burn fat, which is entirely different than weight. When you burn fat you keep muscle and stay lean, plus muscle also burns more calories while your body is at rest. Nearly 50% of your diet consists of carbs, followed by protein, and then fats. Taking one out of the equation does not solve anything and takes you back to square one once you make even the slightest change in your diet. So enjoy food and remember that moderation is the key to staying in shape!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Pankau

Relationship Advice - Are You Afraid of Being Open With Your Partner?


Being honest takes a lot of courage for many people. After all, telling people what you really think and feel puts you in particularly vulnerable state. For some people, being vulnerable is the height of losing control. This can make it very difficult for you to be open with your partner even if you are married to them. Some people are much more introverted and reserved about their feelings, and this can make it very hard for them to say what they truly think and feel.
The first thing you have to do is figure out why you are so scared to be open and honest with your partner. After all, this is the person you should feel most comfortable with in the world. If you are married or in a long-term dating situation, this is the person you have chosen to spend the bulk of your time with. You should be able to tell them what is on your heart or in your mind. If you feel like you can't, you have to decide whether that is a problem you have or, if it's something about the other person helping to make you feel uncomfortable talking to them.
Think back to your childhood. Were your parents overly critical? Were you told to be seen and not heard? Some people seem to have a very hard time speaking up or defending themselves. You have to be aware just because you have an opinion you want to share doesn't mean people will stop liking you or loving you. If they do, they were never the right person for you to begin with.
A good partner will be understanding when you tell them it is hard for you to open up. Set aside some time to sit down with your partner and go about it slowly. Explain to them you have been hurt in the past, or that you don't like the feeling of vulnerability you get. However, you've got to get past those feelings in order to communicate effectively in a long-term, healthy relationship.
If you have a secret you have been keeping, it can be particularly hard to open up to your partner. This is especially true if you know what you have to say will hurt them. Infidelity is one such example of this. However, keeping secrets is only going to ruin the relationship in the end. Being honest and getting over the fear of telling the secret is critical to having any chance of saving your relationship.
Learn about yourself... what makes you this way? Are destructive emotions at the heart of the problems you are experiencing with your relationship? If so, maybe you need to get control of what you are really telling yourself and look at your beliefs?
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found the principles to help you get to the root causes of your crisis.
The solution is not in the endless volumes of information you find across the internet, or the advice your friends give... it's in yourself; the thoughts that make you who you are.

Long Distance Relationships - Are They Really Worth It?


I did it! I'm here! I finally made it. Hollywood, CA; where dreams are made; where fantasies become realities. The lights, the hills, the cobalt blue ocean, the smell of salt water in the air, and the endless stretch of golden beaches. It's all I ever wanted since graduating from college; to live with the stars among the rolling hills of Los Angeles; to write, to act, to break into "The Industry", to make a name for myself, and maybe even take a walk on the Red Carpet.
It's a dream come true. I finally got what I always wanted. So, why do I feel so damn empty? Why do I feel like there's a hole inside me; like I've lost an appendage; an arm, a leg, a foot, an ankle? I'll tell you why. It's because in moving out here, I abandoned two people in my life that I care for deeply; my girlfriend and her beautiful, soon to be four-year-old daughter. They're the light of my life. They give me purpose and meaning. They fill me up with an indescribable feeling of joy and fulfillment.

So, why didn't they come with me? Well, they just couldn't do it. It wasn't feasible. My girlfriend's support system-her parents, her family-they all live in Colorado. Her ex-husband, who's still very much a big part of his daughter's life, is a big shot financial officer at the Marriot in downtown Denver. And the little one, bless her heart, suffers from all types of allergies, which causes her esophagus to swell up and become irritated. The poor thing is allergic to almost every food you can think of; gluten, rice, nuts, dairy. She couldn't even eat her own Halloween candy after Trick-or-Treating. She had to give it away to her best friend. It just breaks my heart knowing that in another month's time she's going to be celebrating her fourth birthday and while everyone else is enjoying cake and ice cream she'll have to settle for avocado and tilapia. We're still hoping the condition gets better. But, from what the doctors are saying, it may be quite a while until she makes any progress.
So, as you can see, asking my girlfriend to move out to California is neither fair nor a very realistic option. Dragging an allergy-stricken three-year-old cross-country right when she's in the middle of her treatment wouldn't just be idiotic, it would be downright dangerous.
Now, we've tried to make the long-distance thing work, but it's been difficult. There's only so much you can do through the phone and Skype to maintain a healthy relationship. Most of the time, we end up arguing about stupid stuff like Facebook posts and Twitter. Breaking up and getting back together by the end of the call is pretty much the standard. I fly back whenever I can, but airfare's a big drain on the wallet. And for a starving writer living in an overpriced apartment near the beach, there's not much money for Starbucks, let alone trips to Denver. Not to say I don't love visiting. I do. It's absolutely wonderful. It's like being on a honeymoon. We do all the fun things we never did when I was living there, like goofy-golf, bowling, hiking, go-kart racing. And the best thing is, we cram it all in one weekend. It's awesome. I never want to leave. I wish I could stay there.
In fact, whenever I get back to LA, everything feels so empty and lonely. My fantasy apartment by the ocean doesn't seem so glamorous. I miss the smiles, the jokes, the laughter. I miss playing hide-and-go seek and reading books before bedtime. Sure, I got my dog, Rupert, to keep me company. He's a pretty good cuddler. But I'd much rather have a kiss from my girlfriend. At least she doesn't lick her own testicles!
So, I find myself faced with a pretty important decision. Do I stay here and try to hustle my way to becoming some big shot Hollywood writer/actor? Or, do I move back to Denver where I'm already a celebrity to the people that really matter? What's more important in life? Chasing a dream, trying to hustle my way into an industry that's notoriously nepotistic and narcissistic. Or is it being with the ones you love; starting a family, being a good husband, a devoted father?
By the way I poised that question you can tell I've pretty much already made my decision. Now, it's just a matter of working out the logistics. I have to say, I'm pretty excited. Starting a family of my own is something I've never really considered. For most of my life, I've been focused on one person and one person only: ME! ALL THINGS ANDREW!
It feels good to be letting go of that self-absorption; to be a part of something bigger than just my own little egocentric universe. And moving back doesn't mean I can't still work on my writing and acting. Quite the contrary. With the recent state incentives program, Colorado is quickly becoming a bourgeoning film industry. Just the other day, I had a talk with my former acting instructor, Benjy Dobrin, who said he's never seen this much growth and opportunity in Denver. Good to hear. It makes the transition all that much easier. I have some projects in the works that I'd like to get cranking on. I'm adapting my novel, Some Are Sicker Than Others, into a full-on theater production with lights, props, stage crew, everything.
So, with all of those projects in the pipe hole plus a new family, I'll be one busy little bee come this New Year. Sure, I'll miss the beach, the surf, the sand, the water. But what good is all that stuff if you don't have someone to share it? We can always move back once we have a more realistic plan developed.
Anyway, thanks for letting me share about my experience with long-distance relationships. And to answer to the question: Are they really worth it? Yes. Absolutely. But, in order for them to work, I think you have to agree on a solid date for getting back together. Leaving it unknown is too much stress on everybody, especially when there's a child involved in the equation. I'm very fortunate my girlfriend supported me through this little California excursion. A lot of women wouldn't have put up with it. They would've said, "Bye bye, see you later. Don't let the door hit you on the you know what!"
Then where would I be? All alone in an overpriced apartment, in a city full of strangers, trying to get into a party to which I wasn't even invited.
For more articles on love, addiction, and recovery, please visit Andrew's blog at http://www.portraitsofaddiction.com
And don't forget to pick up a copy of Andrew's award-winning novel, SOME ARE SICKER THAN OTHERS: A Harrowing Tale of Addiction and Recovery. Now available in ebook and paperback on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007B7GJGE

Solving Confusion About The Future In A Long Distance Relationship


It's hard to fight for something that seems to go nowhere, and it's very often that long distance relationships seem to lead nowhere. My current 2 years relationship did not have a "closing the distance plan" until a few months ago. For 1.5 years we "loved each other" from afar without having an idea of when and how the distance would close. Right now, we plan on closing the distance a year from now, moving together to Scotland, but it's also indefinite.
So how do we keep fighting for our love even without seeing a bright future together? Where do we get the motivation for it?
My answer to this question is simple: A car driver when driving in the night does not need to see the whole road from point A to point B entirely, in order to get to his destination. He just needs to see the next 100 meters lighten by the front lights.
In a long distance relationship it's ideal if you know when you'll get back together. But if you don't know it yet, it doesn't mean that you have to be discouraged and give up.
Your "destination" is closing the distance, and "the next 100 meters" is the next time you meet again. That's it. Knowing that you love each other and you want to eventually close the distance (and always looking for that opportunity) is the first thing, and the second important thing is being guided by the "next visit".
You can go like that for years, until one day an opportunity to close the distance will arise. I know I did, and I know thousands of successful couples did that too and still do it every day.
And here's how to take this thing to the next level: Have fun stuff to look forward to! Figure out some exciting stuff that you want to do together next time you meet, like: going to a trip together, having sex 6 times a day for 2 days, going to a special event together, going to a special restaurant to have dinner etc. so that you really look forward to your next visit. And the next thing is to make your visits truly memorable so that they remind you later of how amazing you can be together and motivate you to fight for your love, even while confused about the future.
You see, classic relationships are easy, but only strong people like you, can manage to have a long distance relationship and also enjoy it!
And believe me that the rewards are worthwhile.
I invite you to read more than 30 articles on other common relationship issues like cheating, jealousy, boring communication, lack of attraction, love and sex and many more.
Being passionate about the topic of romantic relationships, I have created a very unique place where men can get quality relationship advice, and learn how to keep love forever alive. Click the link below to visit the website:

16 Rules For Facebook In Long Distance Relationships


I see a long distance relationship as a 3 in 1 relationship - the Skype Relationship, the Phone Relationship and the Facebook Relationship, as these are the main channels of communication that we long distance lovers use to sustain our love.
Sure, there is also the email relationship, the twitter relationship, the face-to-face relationship when we finally visit each-other, there could also be the classic mail relationship and so on, but from my experience and what I've observed, people mostly use these 3 communication channels or others alike.
That's why in this article I'm going to talk about how to have a successful Facebook Relationship by sharing with you 16 guidelines that I follow to have a brilliant long distance relationship - meaning that I keep her attracted, connect with her better, prevent infidelity and avoid fights and arguments.
Here they come:
1. Relationship Status: In a Relationship With
Imagine a guy liking your girlfriend, he'd look for her on Facebook and find out that she's in a relationship with you - most probably he'll calm down, especially if he sees that she's got a bunch of romantic pictures with you. So, guys won't hit on her that much.
Now, in terms of your girlfriend being tempted to be unfaithful, she'll think twice before compromising herself, because people talk and now anybody who'd find out about it could easily send you a message.
Relationship expert and author Debra Macleod told CTVNews that when she works with couples dealing with infidelity, nine times out of 10 the problems start, in part, because of Facebook.
"Facebook is massively problematic in the sense that all relationships have ups and downs and when it's going through a down it's too easy to have that temptation," she said. "It's at your fingertips -- that old flame or that co-worker that's just a little too supportive."
2. Have pictures together.
As mentioned above it's very important that both of you have pictures together "as a couple" (hugging, kissing) that would tell to potential "hunters" that she's taken and happy in a relationship with you, thus not leaving any room for hope.
3. Keep your passwords private.
There is this tendency when being in a committed relationship for the partners to share with each other their passwords. Well, that's a big mistake for two reasons.
First, you must have your privacy. Don't pack your balls nicely and give them to her, simply because she asks you to. Be a man and hold onto your values. She'll respect you more for not giving up the last personal thing you've got - your passwords. Plus, you create a bit of mystery in her mind, and that's always helpful in keeping her attracted.
Second, she must have her privacy. Asking her to give you her private password to Facebook, Email (or bank account) is a needy thing to do. This means that you're a control freak and you don't trust her. Stop hoping that if you have her Facebook password she'll be more faithful, because if she really wants to cheat on you, she'll use her creativity.
4. Share fun/inspiring posts with each other.
I find it very pleasant to receive a message from my girlfriend with an interesting post that she loved and wanted to share with me. It makes me feel cared about. Well, the same way she feels when I share with her some interesting message, picture or video that I found on my wall.
As the saying goes "Sharing is caring" and in this case it really makes her feel that you care. But please, don't overdo it.
5. Say hello if you're both online.
If this is not something that you already do, then make sure to have an agreement with your partner to say hello to each other if you're both online, but 'busy' doing something else. Meeting on Facebook is the same as meeting face to face - when you see each other, greet each other. Otherwise it simply gets too awkward.
6. Don't over express your love for her online.
Be romantic, write cute comments to her posts and photos etc., but do that sporadically. Try to be a little more conservative about expressing your love, and this means not overdoing in on Facebook in front of everybody. Otherwise two things are gonna happen.
1. Some people might envy your relationship. And envy from others is not something you'd want, because it might affect your relationship in ways in which you would never suspect. Especially if this envy would come from someone that also hates you.
2. You'll seem to her and to the "public" as too weak. Especially of you express your feelings more than she does. Why? Because that's what women do, and you're a man. Keep your great love mostly private, and save yourself these troubles.
7. Avoid online arguments!
It wasn't only once that I've seen couples having fights online. And truth to be said it was a lot of fun for me and I bet for all the other readers to witness this embarrassing act of immaturity. So, take your arguments offline and solve them in a mature way, rather than making a fool of yourself.
8. Create your private Love Nest online.
A brilliant way of staying in touch with your girlfriend and also doing it in a special way is creating your private facebook group. A group that you'd customize in a romantic way and where you'd share private stuff, post interesting things that you found on the web, express your love, have fights "online" if it comes to it (but private nonetheless) and overall creating your little love nest online.
Also, an alternative to a Facebook group would be getting an account on Luvmore.com, an online platform that is offering a similar service as a private Facebook group, but created especially for couples that want to express their love online while being apart or not.
9. Be authentic with your Likes.
Just because you are her boyfriend does not mean that you should Like or Comment on everything she posts. Be authentic about it, and like and/or comment only the posts that you really like. If you are authentic with your preferences on Facebook and in life in general, she'll trust you more and see you as a masculine man who has integrity.
10. Avoid public conversations with girl-friends.
Even if it may seem innocent to you, having a fun public conversation online with a girl-friend or even worse ex-girlfriend might set your partner on fire. Therefore my suggestion is to keep these fun conversations private, so that you avoid jealousy scenes that will most probably lead to some kind of fight.
11. Don't leave compromising evidence.
It happened to me more than once to visit my girlfriend, and while being together, to leave my Facebook open for a while, and in that time my girlfriend would read my Facebook conversations and find some compromising or uncomfortable, for her, conversations that I had with other girls.
The result? A huge argument lasting a few days, sometimes, about those conversations that she found. And I am not talking here necessarily about conversations that prove your unfaithfulness, but simply about having somewhat "flirty conversations" with girl-friends of yours.
My suggestion - delete them, and save yourself and your girlfriend the jealousy and the endless arguments that can appear as a consequence.
12. Your relationship status is not 'flexible'.
Changing your Facebook status from "In a relationship" to "Single" is a childish way of "sending a message" to your partner because you got angry at her. Even though this immature act is more often done by girls in the anger of the moment, or to make a little impact on you, there are some men that I've noticed to do that as well.
Please don't be one of them, and if you change your relationship status, then do it for real when the relationship is actually over.
13. Comment wisely.
"Uhh, that's a nice dress!" or "Long time no see Annie. Miss our crazy parties together!" are pretty innocent comments for us men, but for our girlfriends they may look like a red flag.
I am not saying that you should stop commenting to other girls posts in order to avoid your girlfriend's jealousy, what I am suggesting though is to think twice before writing something that could put you in trouble.
14. Keep private things private.
Keep the intimate details of your relationship private. There is no need for other people to know 'how good of a kisser your partner is' or 'that you just had a big fight with your girlfriend'. Plus it gives a poor impression of you and your partner.
15. Don't vegetate on Facebook.
Facebook it's become so popular that, for me, it's the first thing I open when I go online before my email account, before Google, YouTube or anything else.
And it's fine to use Facebook in a functional manner, but staying 5-10 hours online is something that you'd want to avoid.
Why? Because it says the wrong things about you as a man. It looks like you have nothing more interesting and important to do than to follow other people's lives.
An attractive man for a woman is a man that has a purpose and who's following his purpose. And this man does not have time to vegetate on Facebook, because he's busy doing what he loves, following his passions, learning, socializing and living his life rather than following other people's lives on Facebook.
16. Don't be online & available 24/7.
Imagine that any time your girlfriend is going online on Facebook she find's you online as well, eager to talk to her. Now besides the fact that you look like a guy with no interesting life, you become very predictable and too available for her.
If you've read my 3 Mistakes book, then you know that women love challenge and hate predictability, and if she knows that if something - she'll find you online anytime, she'll feel less challenged and more disinterested in communicating with you.
So, if you're not using Facebook right now, then don't leave it open, but close it. Don't become the predictable boyfriend who is always available online.
For more suggestions on how to have a brilliant long distance relationship, I have created a very unique and specific website dedicated entirely to MEN in a long distance relationship.
On this website you'll find real solutions to real problems like: preventing infidelity, handling fights, having better and more interesting conversations, keeping your woman attracted and even addicted to you.
I call it the place where your get: Practical Advice On How To Keep Your Girlfriend Addicted To You In A Long Distance Relationship!

Secrets on How to Make A Long Distance Relationship Work


Whether it's your first time in a long distance relationship or you've had plenty of experience with it, it is likely you may think that there are a few secrets on how to make a long distance relationship work. However if you stick to these 6 golden rules, you'll give your relationship the best chance possible.
Golden Rule #1 - Trust.
Quite possibly the most important rule to a distance relationship is trust. Before you leave each other, you should both evaluate how much trust there is and set out the parameters of the relationship. If you're married you should already have a strong foundation of trust, and so building upon that trust with healthy communication will increase it.
Golden Rule #2 - Let Your Feelings Be Known.
It's not advisable to keep all of your feelings inside. If you are unhappy with your partner, make them aware of it. Don't keep it all in for fear of harming their feelings. They are supposed to be there for you, and a relationship is something that you both have to be constantly working on. The action steps we recommend taking are to bring up the problem, understand the problem, then both agree on the best way to overcome the problem.
Golden Rule #3 - Keep No Secrets.
The best secret on how to succeed as a long distance couple? Keep no secrets at all. Reveal everything and don't keep anything what so ever from each other. It's best practice to communicate thoughts or daily events which may cause a problem in the relationship even if you sleep in the same bed, and it's still best practise in a long distance relationship.
Golden Rule #4 - Make Long Term Plans.
We've found that by planning out the next visit before the current one is over has really helped to give couples something to look forward to. With that being said, couples should also think very hard about their future together. If you both aren't planning the relationship for the long term, it's likely to get very thin very fast.
Golden Rule #5 - Communication.
Another crucial rule is communication. Always remember, communication is key! Download Skype and make sure you talk every day. Text, call and make your partner a part of your life.
Golden Rule #6 - Plan Long Distance Dates
Planning long distance dates can really help during those long periods apart. This can be anything from a Skype dinner date to star gazing over the phone. Be imaginative and you will keep your partner interested.
Don't forget, for more long distance relationship advice visit The Long Distance Relationship Advice Group at longdistancerelationshipadvicehq.com

Online Dating Advice - How to Meet Quality Women Online


You must be one of the men who wish to try their luck in the online dating world, probably because real life dating frustrates you, or you just want to test the waters. You usually open the search site, type in the usual keywords such as "online dating', "online dating advice", and any other possible variations you can think of.
However, don't get your hopes up too high. Most of the advice you'll get will fall short, and online dating itself can be just as frustrating as in real life. Most men who started out as curious searchers like you eventually give up the prospect of meeting someone online, because of achieving little or no results. But if you still want to push your luck through effective online dating advice, below are three valuable tips that you can count on.
Search online, date offline
You may think that this online dating advice is a paradox, but before you close the window and look for "more consistent" advice, read on to understand its value.
What needs to be clarified is how you must properly view online dating. Searching and meeting women are preparatory steps for being involved in a long-term relationship with them. As such, use online dating for the search. But once you've started to nail and date your prospective girl, I suggest that you continue dating her offline.
As much as the internet provides countless possibilities, there are also countless ways in which you may experience fraud. Imagine being in a 2-year online relationship with the "ideal woman". Once you finally decide to meet her, you find out that you've been in love with someone that isn't who you thought. This "person" could be a male intelligence officer, your stalker, or your desperate ex-girlfriend who is torn between getting you back and getting her revenge.
So, follow this online dating advice: Use the internet to search for prospective girlfriends, but make sure the relationship thrives offline.
Send messages on lucky days
When you finally entice a woman to talk to you in cyberspace, make sure that you send your email replies during the weekends-particularly Saturday and Sunday morning. For one, if a woman resorts to online dating, she is likely choosing from a massive number of options while sneaking from work. This means you are not the only one who sends messages that fill her inbox during the week.
Also, this online dating advice acknowledges that a woman who dates online is probably single, and usually undertakes an offline search for a man during Friday or Saturday nights. If she ends up empty-handed, she'll log in to her account, check her options, and see your email. The spotlight will shift to you.
The golden rules of emailing
For the last piece of online dating advice: You should make her feel both your interest and disinterest. This is to signal to her that you actually have a life outside the internet, that your social value is high, and that you have better things to do than just pine for a reply.
To attain the balance: email word-count should not exceed 100 words, send another email if she doesn't reply, but show her that your social value is high by not appearing too desperate.
Just learn and follow these three simple steps, and you'll see how quality online dating advice can actually give direction to your dating life. The best part is: You'll meet a lot of prospective women from the comforts of your own home.
Now that you are successful online learn how to be an expert in talking to women [http://www.mydatingtipsformen.com/talking-to-women/] offline. A free dating report and fantastic dating tips for men [http://www.mydatingtipsformen.com] are available right here!
Good Luck
Ray J. Stewart

How To Keep Your Partner From Straying


None of us should have to do or act in a certain way in order to keep our partners from straying, but lets be honest, a little preventative measure has never hurt anybody!
Keep your partner from straying
I personally feel that you should just be yourself in a relationship and not have to "out due yourself" in order to make your partner happy. But sometimes you just gotta put in a little effort to make things run a little smoother! It's the least we can do for the one we love;-)
So, try these 5 tips in order to keep your partner from straying:
Give him/her some good lovin': If your partner is getting booty on a regular basis at home (and I'm talking about that good booty) then they're not going to have to look for it somewhere else.
Get to know his/her friends: If his friends know about you and know that you're their special someone in their life, then they're going to keep your partner in check when they're out for a night on the town. Also, when you have more people involved in your relationship, it makes it harder for the person to cheat because it ends up affecting more people then just the couple.
Let him/her know the consequences of straying: Don't be like, "If you cheat on me I will chop your balls off and burn down your house," because that's just scary and crazy. But, you can say something along the lines of, "I would find it difficult repairing a relationship when one person has cheated on the other." Mind you, only bring this up if you're having a conversation about cheating. Don't say it out of the blue!
Let him/her know she's special: A little ego boost can go a long way. Remind him or her how important they are to you, and that way they will feel wanted and appreciated, and less likely to stray.
Take an interest in his/her life: I'm not saying be clingy, nosy, or overbearing, but showing an interested in your partners life when they're not with you shows that you care... and that you want to make sure they're not fooling around;-)
If you follow these tips then you will be sure to keep your partner close to you and prevent them from cheating in any sort of way.

How to Ask a Girl Out On a Date


If you are one of those millions of boys who find it extremely hard to ask a girl out on date, do not feel dejected. Though it seems innocuous and should come easy, tell this to a boy who has tried it unsuccessfully several times and he would let you know how horrific an experience it has been every time he has attempted it. You would be surprised to know that for most boys, and that includes some really good looking ones, asking a girl out on a date is one of the most terrifying of tasks. How to ask a girl out is something that is very easy as will be clear after reading this article.
Wait for the opportune time
This is perhaps the best tip on how to ask a girl out. Most boys seem to be in a hurry and fail to ask this question at the right time. Before asking out, it is necessary to strike a conversation and make it look a natural query. Do not appear to be interfering with any activity that the girl might be engaged with.
Be polite when asking
Girls are not just good looking and delicate, they like to be treated as ladies as well. If you want to succeed every time without fail, make sure it should be a question coming from a polite and considerate man. If you find the girl in distress, you can offer your help that should appear genuine. Do not forget to strike a conversation if the girl accepts your help. These are simple steps that teach how to ask a girl out.
Learn how to impress a girl
Creating a good impression on the girl is half the battle won for a boy trying to learn how to ask a girl out. Girls do not like loud boys and boys who are boasting about themselves. You can impress a girl with your dressing, demeanor, and sense of humor.
Never miss an opportunity to praise
If how to ask a girl out is on your mind, you must remember at all times that girls like to be reminded that they are beautiful all the time. Learn about the hobbies of the girl and try to engage in a conversation on those hobbies. However, be cautious even while praising the girl as girls are good at knowing when the praise is genuine and when it is pure buttering.
Now is the time
You do not have an eternity to ask a girl out on a date. If you want your attempt to be successful, make sure that the invitation is light like asking her out for a coffee or an ice-cream. How to ask a girl out becomes simple when you appear to have a wish of her company that is genuine.
You will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to get a girl out once you have mastered the tips on how to ask a girl out given in this article.
For more details please visit our site to How to ask a girl out or http://www.howtodate.org.

Who Cheats More? Men or Women?


If you asked one-hundred people who cheats more, men or women, you'd likely get a healthy majority saying it is men. Generally speaking, that perception is due to the number of images we see every day in television, movies, and other media that depict men as more likely to run off and have sex with as many women as possible, whether they are in a relationship or not.
Of course, there is no way to know who actually cheats more. Most people would likely lie about whether they cheat or not and there is not gender correlation as to who is more likely to tell the truth.
What Do The Experts Think?
While a scientific study is impossible on this subject, there are some experts who will gladly weigh on the matter, with most of them stating that men and women are equally likely to cheat on each other. The difference, however, is that men are more likely to cheat with a lot of women, moving from partner to partner rapidly.
This fits in line with the evolutionary traits of humans. Think about it. Men are designed to move from female to female and spread their genetic material as widely as possible. Women, however, are wired to find a man to help them raise and protect a child.
This is obviously over simplified in a number of ways, but the idea is basic enough. When men cheat, they're doing it to have sex with a number of women. When women cheat, it's because they don't feel their current mate is the kind of man that will meet those basic needs. So, they generally only cheat when supplied with an alternative that is "better" than their current relationship.
These are all generalizations, of course. There are plenty of women who see sex in the exact same way as men and seek partners simply to enjoy a wide array of experiences. And there are plenty of men who are interested in finding a woman to have a healthy relationship with and will only cheat when presented with a "better" option.
How to Know When Someone is Cheating on You?
So, it doesn't matter who cheats more, men or women, it matters more whether your particular partner is likely to cheat on you. And that has nothing to do with general statistics. It's related to your relationship and the kind of person you're currently with.
Most men and women are interested in finding someone that they can connect and share their lives with. That means they are not likely to cheat on someone without provocation. What constitutes provocation? It can be anything from a lack of attention from their significant other to a slight they feel they've received in the course of their relationship.
The only thing you can do is to provide the most loving, caring option to them on a daily basis. That means spending time with them, putting them first in your life, and ensuring that you maintain open communication.
If, at any point in time in your relationship, you notice that your significant other is starting to drift away and isn't offering you the same level of love and respect, it is a good idea to look into whether they may be cheating on you at that point. Be safe and never make assumptions without proof, but also don't let yourself be hoodwinked into missing the signs.
For more interesting & useful information on this subject go to: [http://www.GettingBackMyEx.org/]
S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues

5 Emotional Signs They Are Cheating


Infidelity is a growing concern among many couples. Often times when a person suspects their mate of cheating, they simply look for physical signs such as suspicious e-mail use, secretive cell phone use, or longer hours at work. However, this article will provide you with 5 emotional signs they are cheating that often go unrecognized and are written off as nothing more than a relationship aging.
The first emotional sign they are cheating is that of emotional detachment. Has your spouse or mate stopped confiding in you? Perhaps they no longer share their dreams, aspirations, or visions of the future. One begs the question "Why have they stopped confiding in me, do they confide in their lover now?"
The next emotional sign they are cheating is what I call 'guilt driven attentiveness'. The cheater is often times so wracked with guilt that they overcompensate and smother their mate with newfound affection, which in many cases is accompanied by gifts. The cheater feels this will quell any suspicions on their mates part. So tell me, has it?
The third sign is that of restlessness. The cheater, often times can't sit still when in the presence of just you. They will fidget and putter about in an effort to take their mind off their cheating ways and the damage they are doing. Has your mate taken a sudden interest in doing household chores after years and years of neglecting them? Why so twitchy all of a sudden? Hmm...
Next time you see your mate, throw out a random "I love you". What was their reaction? Did they respond in earnest, or did they sheepishly respond with a mumbled "Yeah, I love you too..."? This fourth sign will appear as an obligatory statement, as opposed to a heartfelt declaration of love. I urge you to try this exercise, and in earnest ask yourself, "Do they really mean it, or were they just saying it?" And if they were just saying it, why? The truth may hurt but at the least you'll know...
The fifth and final emotional sign they are cheating is a simple one. The cheater, after years of being affectionate, caring, and loving in public suddenly has a problem with showing their affections in public. Gone are the pecks on the cheek while waiting for groceries, holding your hand while walking down the street has become nonexistent, and forget about having the car door opened for you. Many cheaters have a hard time spreading affection between two people and will focus solely on their new love, not realizing they are exposing themselves for who they really are to their mate.
While the presence of these signs may indicate infidelity, you should take extra efforts to verify suspected actions. Sure, you now have the emotional signs they are cheating sorted out. But bear in mind, emotional signs are harder to read than physical signs. In some cases these signs can point to issues related to work, health, or some other emotional issue you may be unaware of. Your best bet if you have suspicions is to take note of the signs presented here, and use them in conjunction with some physical evidence. Be sure you have all bases covered before moving forward, this will ensure you avoid any false accusations and uncomfortable situations.
If you need to find more Emotional Signs They Are Cheating to confirm your suspicions, then simply Click Here

7 Signs Your Honey May Cheat


Most of us - even the not-so-jealous types - know that feeling of, "Is my sweetheart really working late... or could this person be two-timing me?" I've counseled many individuals dealing with this concern, so let me share my knowledge with you about the signs that someone is cheating (or seriously contemplating it). Use this information and insight-and either stop worrying or have a serious talk with your partner!
Sign #1: Your honey keeps you a secret from his/her family & friends
Cheaters keep you in the dark while they play in the light. Your relationship won't work if you're getting what I call the Shadow Treatment. The Shadow Treatment means that you are often kept waiting in the wings while your mate is out socializing. Think about it: Are there gatherings of friends, family reunions or workplace parties that you are not invited to? Do you only meet some of your honey's network of friends? If you are kept on the sidelines, there's probably a good reason. Maybe your honey is on the prowl for someone else. Or perhaps there is already someone else and so your role in his or her life can't be made public. Anytime you are kept on the fringes once you believe you are an exclusive couple, be suspicious. And know that the only way to end Shadow Treatment is to stop accepting it. Once you challenge it, you will either be fully accepted in your sweetheart's life... or know it's time to leave.
Sign #2: Your honey is emotionally absent
Cheaters conceal their emotional whereabouts so they can be evasive about their physical whereabouts. Love is exhausting when you have to pry the truth out of a partner.
Consider this story: After enjoying a platonic friendship for a decade, Margaret and Roy began dating. Roy was a traveling sales manager. While he was on the road, Margaret heard from him only occasionally. But he continued to say he wanted to spend more time with her-which he never did. Margaret was obviously a low priority for him. She was shocked to learn he had another girlfriend across the country.
An emotionally absent partner may say what you want to hear, but will not change his or her actions-unless he or she wants to. Saying the right thing and doing the right thing are very different. If your honey talks a good game about spending more time with you and paying more attention to you but never delivers-look out! This person may be juggling multiple relationships.
Sign #3: Your honey says he or she wants a no-strings-attached romance
If someone says, "I don't want a commitment," take the sucker at his or her word. Don't fall into that "I'll be the one to change all that!" trap. Cheaters rebel against control and might even have an affair to spite a partner who wants to rein him or her in.
Too often, people ignore the clear message a potential date sends. If someone tells you, "I'm not into serious relationships," "I won't give up my freedom," "I'm not ready to settle down," or anything resembling that, take a giant step back! He or she is clearly telling you, "I want to play the field." If you pursue the person anyway, hoping for an exclusive relationship, you may find yourself two-timed and broken-hearted. Never push a person into a situation he or she doesn't want to be in. Never pursue a committed relationship with someone who tells you he or she doesn't want one.
Sign # 4: Your honey admits to cheating on exes-and justifies the betrayals
Cheaters rationalize their behavior to let themselves off the hook. The way they justify their actions tells much about their character.
Listen to the excuses for past cheating your honey uses. Here are a couple I've heard from clients in my therapy practice over the years:
* "My ex was abusive because of a drinking problem, so I deserved to see someone kinder on the side."
* "My father cheated on my mom, so cheating on my girlfriend is how I'm working through my past."
Everyone has a tale to tell. But are these rationalizations - or any rationalizations - acceptable to you? A person who admits to infidelities in the past and explains them away has a good chance of straying again. He or she has not taken responsibility for past actions, nor worked through the issues involved.
Sign #5: Your honey has never been without a mate
Cheaters won't ride solo... ever! Leaving one romance and hopping into a new one - or having simultaneous affairs at once - doesn't leave time for assessing whatever went wrong. They don't bother with introspection; their focus is squarely set on pulling new people into their orbit. If you are dating a person who shares a romantic history that always involves finding a new partner before breaking up with the current partner, take heed. This person may think of his or her mate only as void-fillers. Filling a void is never a basis for lasting love.
Sign #6: Your honey tells lies about little things
Cheaters lie about everything, which leads you to question their truth from their fiction. When the need to embroider overshadows the desire to be honest, the relationship becomes a sham.
Craig's friend set him up on a blind date with divorcée, Alice, who was a top attorney in town with no children. Each time they were together, Alice described her interesting caseload. Craig was fascinated-and falling hard. He was so caught up in her charismatic personality that he chose not to focus on the fact that some of her stories contradicted themselves, and that Alice seemed to change certain details as she got further into her story sharing. One day, the local newspaper featured someone who had been indicted for impersonating an attorney. He was shocked to find that it was Alice, and that she was a wife and mother as well! Alice had lied to both Craig and his friend.
If you are dating someone who seems to be untruthful about mundane topics - where he or she had lunch, what he or she is doing on Sunday morning - take note. The lies probably run deep. As my Gilda-Gram warns, "Without truth, there is no love."
Sign # 7: Your honey brags about his or her sex appeal
Cheaters are insecure, and need to attract constant attention on the side. They flaunt their popularity in attempts to boost their own low self-esteem. Let me give you an example: Marilyn met a "hot guy" on a singles cruise, and the pair became inseparable for the week. When they returned home, they spoke to each other constantly. He sent her a plane ticket to visit him. While together, Hot Guy boasted that he was his town's "go-to" guy for all the lonely women. Instead of Marilyn reading that as a sign to stay away, she interpreted his description of himself as "cute."
Visiting her two weeks later, he said he was available throughout the week-except for a lunch date he had with a woman he had just met. Marilyn found that peculiar, but said nothing. After a dinner party, he detailed how many women had come on to him. Marilyn began feeling disrespected and put down. Finally, after crying herself to sleep, she told Hot Guy he was too hot for her.
If a partner boasts how in demand he or she is, recognize how insecure he or she really is-and steer clear. This person probably needs more ego-stroking than any one person can provide... and will look where he or she has to in order to find it.
So now you know the signs that indicate that maybe your honey isn't such a honey after all. Life and love are all about learning. Remember this Gilda-Gram: "Everyone who touches you, teaches you." Instead of getting bummed out about a cheater who stole your heart, think of what you learned, and how your experience got you to grow. Your new insight will arm you to attract someone more trustworthy in the future.
Dr. Gilda Carle, nationally known psychotherapist and relationship expert, is founder of http://www.DrGilda.com
She is Match.com's weekly Suddenly Single advice columnist, published on MSN's Dating & Personals page. She has a private practice, is a motivational speaker, and is associate professor of business, psychology, and communications at New York's Mercy College. Her best-selling books include "Don't Bet on the Prince! How to Have the Man You Want by Betting On Yourself," a test question on "Jeopardy!".

How to Get a Girlfriend - 3 Tips for Finding One Soon


Do you feel lonely in knowing that you don't have a girlfriend right now? Would you like for all of that to change and would you like to find someone to date soon? If so, then you may want to continue reading. While you may feel dejected by your past dating experiences, that certainly can change for you. You don't have to feel like getting a girlfriend is something that is hard to do or something that only some guys are able to do. You can find a way to attract a girlfriend soon and if you do, you won't have that lonely feeling that you have right now.
Here are 3 tips for attracting a girlfriend soon:

1. There is no time like the present to get your act together and start actively searching for someone to date.
A common habit that men who feel like it is hard to attract a girlfriend seem to have is the habit of putting off their search for one. They will talk about a later date when they will finally be able to put all of the pieces to the attraction puzzle together and that will be the hypothetical date when they actually end up in a relationship. The problem is that the future date doesn't come because they are always making excuses. Your search for a girlfriend has to start now, because there is no time like the present to start trying to get what you want.
2. You don't have to be the best looking guy, if you have a good looking personality.
This is one of those tips that some guys scoff at, they think that it is just fluff that sounds good. However, in my experience, being a good looking guy doesn't guarantee that a woman is going to want to date you. Having a good looking personality DOES. This is good if you have been using the excuse of not feeling like you are the best looking guy. You don't have to use that excuse anymore.
3. The more times you ask a woman out on a date, the more likely you are going to get a woman to say yes to you.
I don't mean that you should ask the same woman out on a date twenty times, I mean that if you ask twenty women out on a date - you are more likely to end up with at least one yes. Realistically, you'll probably end up with a few women who say yes and then, you'll go from not having a girlfriend to having choice.
Let me show you what you need to do if you want to attract a girlfriend soon because you don't want to end up alone.  Go to:   How to Get a Girlfriend to find out more.
Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G. Tyler.  All Rights Reserved.

Stop Trying to Fill the Void In Your Life With a Woman


There are many men out there who have only one goal in mind - to find a woman who will complete them. Of course, most of them aren't looking for "miss right" with this pattern of thought. But subconsciously, this is exactly what's happening. They want to get a girl just to feel better about themselves, to fill the void in their lives, otherwise they will be miserable.
This is exactly where the problem arises this article is talking about: when you are looking for a girl just because you need to feel complete, normal or better about yourself, then you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.
The empty cup mentality is just wrong! You shouldn't need a girl to feel complete. If you really think that a woman on your side will make you a better person, your priorities in life are totally messed up. You have to hammer this into your head: a woman won't make you a different or better person. You will still be the same guy, with the same problems you started out with, but only with a girlfriend.
The only person in the world, who can really change you, who can make a massive impact in your life, is YOU. Sure, a woman on your side can give you the needed push to become a better person, but only when you let her.
The idea of completing each other is nice and all but taking it too far can at times be dangerous. Just imagine she dumps you. Now you feel incomplete, you feel worthless without her in your life and start doubting in your self-image, your self-worth. Nothing seems as important as her and all you can think about is getting her back. This way of thinking ruins lives and can take a very dark turn when guys decide that without a woman, life is not worth living.
You can't allow yourself to hope, that when you finally find a girlfriend, she will be the answer to your life. You are putting a tremendous pressure on a girl in the hopes she will fix your problems. You are asking her to fill a hole in you, she simply can't fill! This leads you to depend on her and it's a downward spiral what will eventually destroy the relationship.
Don't get me wrong, I believe it's possible that the completing each other mentality could work, but only if the couple has a healthy mindset to begin with. Both would have to work on their own flaws first and not hope for the other person doing all the heavy lifting for them. If one of them will bring more emotional baggage to the relationship than the other can handle, then the relationship will be doomed.
The solution to a healthy relationship and a healthy lifestyle is to lose your empty cup mentality and accept that you have to constantly work on yourself and not look for someone else to do it for you. Trust me, I have been there and experienced it myself. Only when you learn to pull your own weight will you become satisfied.
However one thing I have to tell you, should you take my advice, is this: if you are working on solving your own problems and trying to become a better person, and a woman should come along, don't write her off because you are not where you want to be. It becomes counter-productive when you chase perfection with the goal in mind of getting girls but never try to hook up with them.
If you achieve your goals, you will always find something new to work on and you will never become complete (and that's OK). Many guys who work on themselves are still miserable because they chase perfection and it becomes an excuse for them not to act. It's the constant progression that you should strive for not the perfection/feeling complete and it's also a thing women love in a man.
Like I said before, do not hope for a girl to fix you or complete you. Do it yourself and you will be happy. Because if you are happy person, the women you will meet and eventually attract will be happy.
Looking for more free advice like this? Go and visit Alpha Male Mentality.
And if you are want to turn yourself into an alpha male, then get the Secrets of the Alpha Man.

The Friend Zone - The 3 Mistakes Men Make Trying to Date Their "Girl Friend" (But Not You Right?)


If you have to ask, "Hey Mike, what's the Friend Zone?," odds are, you've never experienced it! Awesome! You don't need to read any further!
However, if you are like the rest of us, you have most likely been MADLY in love with a special girl, only to have her break your heart when she uttered that spine-chilling, butterfly-in-the-stomach phrase, that made you want to throw up ---
"You're such a great FRIEND!"
Ouch! It stings, but don't worry I'm here to help so that never happens again!
The 3 Mistakes You're probably making That Keep You In The Friend Zone
Mistake #1 - Treating her like a FRIEND
So many men make this mistake. They think the best way to "get the girl" is to become friends with her first - then wait for her to realize how different he is from all of the other guys she has dated in the past.
The problem is - If I want to sell a new style of running shoe, a gym where people are active might be a good place to find people who are looking for my running shoes, right? Now, when I approach a gym member about my new shoes, should I pretend I'm selling something completely different, like life insurance? Probably not the best idea.
When you position yourself with a woman from the start as a FRIEND, when you really want to be her BOYFRIEND - you're essentially pretending to sell her that life insurance when you're really there to sell running shoes. You're lying! So imagine her surprise when the girl thought you were her best friend, and finds out that you have feelings for her.
What to do Instead - If you meet a girl that you know you are immediately attracted to, make it known early on that you are interested in more. Sometimes that's easier said than done, I know. However, if you just take the chance, two possible things may happen:
1) She feels the same way.
2) She says no thank you, but you still recover and make her your friend (for real).
Mistake #2 - Letting her Lead you- -It's no secret that the most attractive quality to a woman a man can have, is confidence! The more confident you are the more likely you are to believe in yourself when it comes to leading other people. The two qualities go hand-in-hand. So, it is safe to say that most women find "leaders" attractive. Most men think the best way to win after becoming friends with her, is to "make her happy" by letting her make all the decisions and going along with whatever she wants to do.
What to do instead - Position yourself as the leader right from the start. I know it sounds contradictory to what we have all been taught, but I promise, this is the way to get her to chase you, instead of you chasing her. You can do this by simply being "the idea man" as I like to call it. Be the guy that always has a cool suggestion for what to do and where to go. Then, simply be the first person to make a suggestion. Eventually she (and even her friends if done correctly) will look to you for approval when someone else makes a suggestion. When you notice this, you're on the right track.
Mistake #3 - Blaming Her... - When many men fail to get the girl, they sometimes will replay events in their minds looking for where they went wrong. When they can't find any (because they THINK they are doing everything correctly), they begin to blame the girl and her failure to see how perfect he is. This is unhealthy and can sometimes make the man very cynical.
What to do instead - Be a man, look in the mirror, and realize that your actions led you to where you are. It is not her fault that she thought she was buying life insurance and you dropped shoes on her desk. It's your fault that you went about it the wrong way.
But don't worry! There's hope! You can definitely learn how to do it right!
BONUS ADVICE: Want to learn my foolproof techniques to Get Out of The Friend Zone for free?
Grab your free access to the methods I have used in the past that worked, and even a checklist of things to look for to tell if you are currently in - or heading toward - The Friend Zone.
This and much more can be found at http://www.approachingthewoman.com/friendzonesp