
The Human Perception and Our Well-Being

Every human being finds part of their identity, personality, and essence of who they are from their upbringing as a child. Children with parents that act or do things a certain way will emulate their parents as they mature to adulthood, inheriting some similar traits that they picked up during childhood. Children are very impressionable, and easily influenced by older authority figures, so anything done around children will make a meaningful impact on them in their later adult lives. Sometimes, these inherited parental traits that people carry into adulthood are negative qualities. It's the unfortunate way of the world that often times children with abusive parents often grow up to becomes abusive parents themselves.
But it doesn't have to be that way from the very beginning. Many people brush off their negative inherited traits as something that can never change because it is part of "who they are" as a person. They are readily accepting these negative qualities, whether it be excessive anxiety or a bad temper, because they think they cannot change what has become part of them. They usually feel as if trying to change part of who they are is too difficult and drastic a change to implement, so they prefer to stay with bad qualities that actually negatively affect not only themselves but the people around them. But it is all due to the human perception. They believe they cannot change their identity because they perceive it to be that way. Once a person's perception changes, the rest of their mind, personality, and spirit follow suit. A perception of oneself, and one's own circumstances, drastically affects the outcome and situations. A good attitude and positive perception will reflect in one's own personality and even improve physical well-being. It has been said that physical healing must start in the mind, and it is completely true. A positive attitude affects day to day emotions, feelings, and thoughts.
Emotions strongly influence daily life. Harboring negative emotions such as hatred, or anger, will result in creating a "blockage" in your body (a blocked chakra point). This blockage will lead to further problems, and even physical pain or hurt. Often times, distractions are used to dull the pain, such as drinking, smoking, overeating, etc, but they only relieve the pain for a short time through distraction, and in the long run they worsen the pain. A way to release and get rid of all that negative energy and emotions is to change perception of life and identity. Adopting a hopeful outlook and changing the human perception will affect the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being for the better and ultimately lead to a healthier future.
Misty Woodard is a psychic teacher and spiritual counselor, and has been doing psychic healing, spirit channeling, and clairvoyance for over fifteen years. She has taught thousands of students worldwide on helping them to reach top-level spiritual and psychic potential. More quality information about becoming a psychic and entering the psychic realm can be found at her website Unlocking Mystic.

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