By S Brooks
If you asked one-hundred people who cheats more, men or women, you'd likely get a healthy majority saying it is men. Generally speaking, that perception is due to the number of images we see every day in television, movies, and other media that depict men as more likely to run off and have sex with as many women as possible, whether they are in a relationship or not.
Of course, there is no way to know who actually cheats more. Most people would likely lie about whether they cheat or not and there is not gender correlation as to who is more likely to tell the truth.
What Do The Experts Think?
While a scientific study is impossible on this subject, there are some experts who will gladly weigh on the matter, with most of them stating that men and women are equally likely to cheat on each other. The difference, however, is that men are more likely to cheat with a lot of women, moving from partner to partner rapidly.
This fits in line with the evolutionary traits of humans. Think about it. Men are designed to move from female to female and spread their genetic material as widely as possible. Women, however, are wired to find a man to help them raise and protect a child.
This is obviously over simplified in a number of ways, but the idea is basic enough. When men cheat, they're doing it to have sex with a number of women. When women cheat, it's because they don't feel their current mate is the kind of man that will meet those basic needs. So, they generally only cheat when supplied with an alternative that is "better" than their current relationship.
These are all generalizations, of course. There are plenty of women who see sex in the exact same way as men and seek partners simply to enjoy a wide array of experiences. And there are plenty of men who are interested in finding a woman to have a healthy relationship with and will only cheat when presented with a "better" option.
How to Know When Someone is Cheating on You?
So, it doesn't matter who cheats more, men or women, it matters more whether your particular partner is likely to cheat on you. And that has nothing to do with general statistics. It's related to your relationship and the kind of person you're currently with.
Most men and women are interested in finding someone that they can connect and share their lives with. That means they are not likely to cheat on someone without provocation. What constitutes provocation? It can be anything from a lack of attention from their significant other to a slight they feel they've received in the course of their relationship.
The only thing you can do is to provide the most loving, caring option to them on a daily basis. That means spending time with them, putting them first in your life, and ensuring that you maintain open communication.
If, at any point in time in your relationship, you notice that your significant other is starting to drift away and isn't offering you the same level of love and respect, it is a good idea to look into whether they may be cheating on you at that point. Be safe and never make assumptions without proof, but also don't let yourself be hoodwinked into missing the signs.
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S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues
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