Sometimes, getting through to your man with words can be almost impossible. Most women have experienced frustration when it comes to getting their man to understand what is important. Sometimes it seems like men are just not very smart.
Actually, men are plenty smart; it's just that they are genetically hard-wired differently than women. Let's explore that idea for a minute.
Genetic research shows that truly significant genetic mutations-- the ones that are big enough to cause a species to die out or to adapt in a positive way to enhance survival -- are extremely rare, happening once an eon or so.
This means that essentially, humans haven't changed much since the caveman days.
Imagine Mr. and Mrs. Caveman. She needs a man who will help her keep the wolves away from her children. This means she needs security. This could explain why some women are strongly attracted to a successful man, but what about our caveman?
His role, as it evolved, was to protect his family and clan and to provide food and other items needed for survival. Imagine a cave woman trying to protect her children as she tries to hunt and fight off wolves. Survival would be nearly impossible without a caveman to serve her needs and protect her.
Mr. Caveman would have evolved a highly focused genetic directive to serve and protect. How can we use this knowledge to understand our modern man?
Here is one quick fix you can use to more clearly communicate with your cave guy.
Change all of your verbal interactions with men from "you" to "I".
Instead of saying,"you never take me on dates anymore", or, "you're so inconsiderate", just change the "you" word to the "I" word.
Think about how you could reword those two sentences using "I". Say, "I want to go on 2 dates this month", or "I want you to start thinking about how your decisions affect me before you make them".
Your man's behavior will immediately begin to change. There are several reasons for this, but for now, I will just explain this simple dynamic of YOU versus I.
Your man is so genetically attuned to this directive, to serve and protect, that whatever YOU focus on, HE focuses on! YOU are the spark that lights his way. Again, this is a genetically based, subconscious dynamic. He may vehemently deny this due to pride, but don't bother arguing, just do it.
When you say "you this" and "you that", what does he focus on? He focuses on himself because YOU are focusing on him and his behavior, trying to change it. You are the "goddess" or "dream girl" he serves, and your focus is HIS focus.
Change the focus to yourself by using "I", and HE will begin to focus on you.
He will begin to relax, be more confident on a subconscious level, and he will begin to try harder to serve you better!
Don't worry that you have to change yourself. You don't have to change anything. Changing "you" to "I" is not much different than going to Mexico and remembering to ask for the "bano" instead of the bathroom. Think of it as speaking in a language that works better to get where you want to go and to get your needs met.
You will be amazed at how the dynamic between you changes.
If you are single and on a date, don't be afraid to talk about yourself. (Leave ex-relationships and any negative "venting" out of the conversation in the beginning.) Ever notice how men talk and talk about themselves on dates? He is trying to get hired to serve and protect you, but that is a subject for another article.) Jump right in and talk about yourself too.
This is a very powerful tool for getting your man to hear you.
One caveat -- if you are in a relationship with an immature man who is used to you trying to please him, then he is already used to you being like his mom, so you are in for a challenge.
Just be patient and reward him lavishly with praise and affection, making sure to use the "I" word. Soon he will begin to grow up and realize it makes him feel happy on a deeper level when he serves his "goddess". Once he realizes how proud and strong it makes him feel, he'll become more romantic too.
You can learn more very powerful tips and tools for attracting the right man for you or for training the one you've got, by visiting
Get a free report on how men perceive beauty in women (it's not what you think). You can also find out about the fun and empowering six week E-Course "Balance Your Feminine Archetypes to Attract Mr. Right". Learn about other highly effective techniques for empowering all areas of your life at
Get a free report on how men perceive beauty in women (it's not what you think). You can also find out about the fun and empowering six week E-Course "Balance Your Feminine Archetypes to Attract Mr. Right". Learn about other highly effective techniques for empowering all areas of your life at
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