
How to Relax Your Mind and Enjoy Life, Effortlessly!


Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night sweating, exhausted, with a swirl of obsessive thoughts about all you need to get done the following day?
Do you find yourself forgetting all manners of important tasks or finding yourself walking into a room forgetting what you came in for? Do you find yourself so frustrated and stressed out, you just cannot relax and enjoy the time you do have with friends or family because your mind is simply too busy and chaotic?
Are you ever skeptical about where to begin on the mountain of endless things you have to accomplish? Does it seem like you have absolutely no time to get it finished? Each and every one experiences these worries at various times in our lives.
However, there are a few key strategies you can practice to begin to relax your mind so you can enjoy your life more, and a few of these are effortless. A calm mind is a more focused, positive and directed mind, capable of accomplishing so much more than a mind that is constantly trying to fill in all the gaps for you in your life. In mastering to eliminate the stressful and apprehensive thought patterns, you can experience a far more fuller, rich life than you already do!
I know this approach works. I've used it for thousands of clients the world over.
How to Arrive at Peace Within in the Midst of Stormy Times
When you experience a crazy number of thoughts cycling about in your mind and you feel overwhelmed, you are usually hard-pressed to find relaxation, much less inner peace. The more your mind obsesses, the more jumpy, frustrated, confused, anxious and stressed you become. This can lead to days, weeks and even months where you feel you've spent more time worrying and far less time accomplishing anything of value. Time spent worrying is the worst way to spend our precious lives, especially when there's so much to look forward to in life!
The good news is, you don't have to accept living this way. There are many strategies you can employ to calm your overwhelmed mind and you really can experience a more stress-free and joyful life.
So many people today don't think they can do anything about the frustration, confusion and craziness they feel about their lives. I can assure you that this is not true.
To Break Free, Write Out The Thoughts That Cycle Around In Your Mind
When you feel stressed out, the first thing I tell people is in order to break free, to begin writing down the thoughts as they come. Sometimes, just jotting down the thoughts on paper, on your laptop, on your phone or iPad is enough to relax your mind. Put it into a trustworthy journal, book, or list of to-dos that you KNOW you'll look at. This is key, it must be a trustworthy application your brain TRUSTS you will look through later.
Make Use of Tools & Strategies To Get and Stay Organized, Simply
Next, you need to commit to begin reprogramming your brain to use other tools to remember things. This is where a simple calendar, tickler file system and a simple project list comes in handy. Make it a habit to check all three of these tools every single day. For example, I keep a paper and pencil handy for brainstorming late at night before I go to bed. It helps me remember all the things I may have left off my plate that day.
The next morning I look at what I've written down and choose the top three things I must achieve before 11am.
I use a tickler file similar to the Get It Done system to ensure I don't have to keep a running tally of things I have to remember. I check that every morning before I hop on my computer or get my coffee. This way I've set up coffee as my reward for checking my tickler file.
Teach Your Mind That You Trust It & Believe It Capable to Come Up With Positive, Creative Solutions
Now, for inner trust and belief practice that enables us to change our lives radically. When you use positive suggestions and creative problem solving, you train your mind that you trust it to come up with positive, creative solutions over time until there is only room for those things in your life.
You will be surprised to find how fast your mind can make use of a positive affirmation such as, "I trust that there is a plan for my life, even if it has yet to be revealed to me". By saying something like this, your brain already goes to work on drawing to you experiences, inspiration and opportunities to support this affirmation.
Based on my own personal struggles with depression, frustration and anxiety, I know what you might be going through when you are dealing with negative cycling thoughts running your day-to-day life.
When you cannot stop the racing thoughts and you're not sure which way to turn next, try taking deep breaths and take a brief walk outside to compose yourself. I take my thumb and tap each of my fingers one at a time and breathe in and out, focusing on my breath and timing it to my walking. It is here I can find my center. When you use the power of your breath, tuning it in time with your movement, you will find this technique really helps you teach your mind to relax and operate in a new and different way.
Positive Suggestions to Stimulate Creative, Inspired Solutions to Life's Troubles
Finally, when life seems out of control, you can use a positive suggestion such as, "I trust my ability to relax and allow myself to find a positive solution or outcome to all of this." Keep repeating this to yourself while you take your short walk. Relax and allow your mind to do what it's best at. It cannot do it's best work if you are chronically stressed and frustrated.
In order to trigger your mind to begin its real processing (rather than negative worry thought cycles), put in some music and dance, sit and breathe, go make some crazy art, build something, change your environment, go exercise, go do something, anything that is radically different from what you were doing to put yourself in that state of mind.
Although this may not be the case at the moment, if you practice these suggestions often enough you will start to find they work. Put aside any judgements for a moment, and give this a try every day for 6 days. These strategies will teach your brain to trust you and teach you to change your inner conversations in those moments when you are attempting to deal with the overwhelming stresses surrounding you.
Finally, positive suggestions are valuable because they give you ways to eliminate the negative thoughts in your mind and replace them with positive thoughts. The negative conversations feeds the stressed feelings, and when you change them with peaceful suggestions|, you change your life, one affirmation at a time.† If you don't believe that this approach works at least try it before you flick it aside.
I didn't believe it until I tried it myself. It really does work! If you try it out, you'll feel more peaceful and experience positive changes in every area of your life.If you feel helpless and powerless to affect changes in your life and you don't think it's possible to lead a calm life, why not give a peaceful affirmations a chance?† If you repeat positive thoughts frequently, you'll begin to believe them, and you may discover you've found a powerful secret.
Isis Jade is a certified hypnotherapist, NLP, life coach, intuitive business strategist, author, blogger, radio show & podcast host of The Goddess Show, and a teacher in the area of self-empowerment and self-improvement. She writes on various topics including offering advice, guidance and wisdom to women around the world.
If you found this article worthwhile, why not purchase Isis Jade's latest book, Practical Practices to Manifesting a Radically Radiant Life http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BAIS0B2 today. You can also purchase her books, audio or subscribe to her newsletter, Love Letters from The Goddess Guide on her Website: http://www.isisjade.com/.

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