
What Is Anxiety? Cause and What Can Be Done About It

If you ask yourself whether or not you act differently when you become anxious what would the answer be? For example, if you were feeling anxious because of the death of a beloved family member would you be less likely to smile or be the life of the party? Or let's say, you had previously guessed wrong in real estate or the stock market would you be less likely to invest in either of these asset classes with the same amount of anxiety free conviction in the future. I suspect, for most people the anxiety driven events listed above did indeed change their behavior going forward.
There are many other examples of anxiety triggers that change future reality and actions such as divorce, job loss, being traumatized by past events (PTSD) and hundred, or perhaps, thousand of phobias (fear of flying, bugs, the dark, heights etc..).

So as you can see what is anxiety typically is a complicated and very individualistic matter.
The severity of anxiety can vary greatly with mild anxiety being just temporarily unsettling with severe anxiety oftentimes becoming so bad it can be debilitating requiring the help of mental health professional.
So how can I tell whether my anxiety is normal or something more?
According to Linda Andrews, MD anxiety is the "fight or flight" response that protected us from harm in prehistoric times. That same adrenaline rush can serve us well under the right set of circumstances, especially when we need to muster up the energy and willpower to face a difficult situation.
For example preparing for that all important final exam, job interview, appearance in bankruptcy court, or divorce proceeding. According to Jerilyn Ross MA, LICSW these types of normal anxiety not only motivate a person to do better but help protect them from real or perceived harm.
The key it how well the individual can tone down, channel, or tune out their "fight or flight" mechanism. If the negative thoughts or memories triggering the adrenal response known as anxiety continually resurface and can't be mitigated then even the most mundane event or life experience can become a potential threat or crisis.
What is anxiety? - Physical symptoms
There are many physical symptoms of anxiety some of which can easily be mistaken for physical illness such as heart attack, stroke, indigestion, and/or chest pain. Of course it could be the real deal and should be checked out by your medical professional.
According to medicalnewstoday.com the ten most common symptoms of anxiety are: Sweating/Flushing; Muscle tension; Headache; Trembling; Uneasy stomach; Nausea, Diarrhea; Backache; Noticeably elevated heart rate; and Numbness or "pins and needles" in arms, hands, or legs.
What is anxiety? - What can be done about it?
According to WebMD the first step is challenge your thoughts by asking yourself this: Is what I am experiencing a productive thought that is going to help me get closer to my goal? If the answer is no then you must be able to stop that thought before it has a chance to takeover your thoughts and emotions.
Jerilyn Ross MA, LICSW, offers up this important piece of advice for those trying to cope with their anxiety: "To realize when you have done everything you can, that you need to move forward.".
Additionally, there are many other ways anxious individuals have found helpful in managing their anxiety. This list includes breathing retraining, yoga, meditation, daily exercise, aromatherapy, affirmation therapy, support groups, light therapy, behavioral therapy, and herbal or homeopathic remedies.
Ultimately the best way to manage anything more than mild anxiety is by working closely with a certified medical professional to find suitable solutions, as oftentimes healing anxiety can be a complex and time-consuming pursuit.
Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic researcher and consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 12 years experience in the field. To discover more about anxiety along with information about safe and effective all natural herbal and homeopathic anxiety remedies Click Here

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