
Valentines Day and Romance - How to Impress Your Sweetie Or Wannabe Sweetie

Valentines Day is about romance. It is the most romantic day of the year. Gifts should be entirely unnecessary, but let's face it, they are both a nice touch and often expected. The best gift is the gift of time. Nothing is more romantic than spending time together, alone, without endless distractions. Whether it's a night alone, a day trip, a weekend get away, perhaps a cruise, or maybe extended travel, time together is precious. It's also often not practical for Valentines Day, so I suggest you discuss the possibility while enjoying each other's company! After all, the trip you plan may not be the trip he or she wants!
I like the multiple gift approach. They do not need to be expensive, and actually among the most romantic gifts I've ever given were a hand made card from kid's colored construction paper and crayon, and a meal I attempted to cook. The meal bombed so we had pizza delivered and laughed for hours about it while in each others arms! Flowers and chocolates, perhaps in combination, are wonderful. Flowers can be bought cheaply in many places and augmented with a nice vase, also inexpensive, and a card. Or if tight on time as I often am, visit a florist or order online. Delivery is great, especially when he or she is not expecting it!

Of course some classic Valentines lingerie might be perfect as well or maybe something slightly more exotic. Is there anything they particularly love and don't usually have? Use that to get your creative juices flowing to choose gifts to impress your sweetie on Valentines Day!
For some specific examples and more info on great valentines gifts, visit Valentines Gift [http://valentinesgift.org] or [http://valentinesgift.org], and have a great, romantic, Valentines Day!

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