Inflammation has been linked to just about every illness you can imagine, anxiety being no exception. It may be hard to understand why you are suffering from anxiety, however, one thing that couldn't hurt is improving your physical health and in turn, reducing inflammation.
According to research, lower socio-economic status is associated with a higher incidence of inflammation, as well as depression and anxiety. Supporting the link between inflammation and anxiety is the fact that low-income individuals who were happy did not suffer from high levels of inflammation.
It should be noted that many of the pain medications available over the counter, such as Tylenol, Aspirin and Advil are part of a class of medications known as NSAIDS or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.
You've probably already guessed that many teas actually have anti-inflammatory properties. The polyphenols, which are present in almost all teas, have been found to reduce and prevent inflammation.
Did you know that Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory? Does that sweeten the deal a bit where chamomile is concerned? Let's take a look at the effects of chamomile, all of which are fascinatingly helpful and beneficial to your well being:
In addition to being an effective treatment for mild anxiety, studies have shown that chamomile has effects similar to NSAIDS. When drunk, chamomilec can help reduce minor inflammation within the body, and when applied topically, it can reduce inflammation like the kind associated with hemorrhoids.
Here are a list of herbs that have been noted to reduce anxiety:
Valerian Root
Kava Kava (Kava is delicate, and should not be boiled as it will render the kava innert. Put kava in a cold beverage like a smoothie for maximum effect. Try getting the extract from a health food store and mixing it in with your favorite juice or iced tea.)
Lemon Balm
While some of these do not have the proper research to back up the claims that they will relieve anxiety, try them yourself. You've got nothing to lose but your anxiety, and there are certainly pronounced health benefits to all of these (Peppermint tea can help relieve symptoms of Gastroesophegeal reflux disorder.)
You might find that tea does more to take your mind off anxiety than just naming the effects on your body. The time you spend making tea should relax you. If you're having anxiety about the time it's taking the water to boil, try using that time to meditate. Remove thoughts from your brain and just let images come into your mind.
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