Do you know how to make a woman happy? These are some relationship tips for men.
First of all, be yourself! Some men feel that they aren't good enough to attract a beautiful, vivacious woman, so they put on a display. Actually, a confident man is a very sexy creature. Have you ever noticed that some of the ugliest guys have some of the best looking women. This is basically because women tend to be more attracted to confidence then mere physical appearance.
Think about doing some of the little things well, such as offering to take her car in for servicing, or buying her a bag of her favorite jellybeans on occasion. Often men get hung-up on making huge demonstrations of their affection, when it's very often the little gestures over time, that win her heart.
Going right along with this is this next piece of advice - never take her for granted! Express your appreciation and let her know she's valued. Don't look at other women when you are with her. In her mind she may be thinking that you are comparing her with them. Women tend to look for a lifetime partner and monogamy, this is their natural design. Show her respect and stop ogling when you are together.
Express your sense of humor and make her laugh. While men often list sexual attractiveness as their number #1 priority, women on the other hand tend to list a good sense of humor as their top priority. Keep her laughing and smiling if you want a relationship that lasts.
Next is to develop common interests. It's great if you already share a hobby or interest, or if that's what brought you together, but your next step is to develop an interest in one of her long standing passions. This could mean developing an interest in horses, or dog agility training. So be it, this will demonstrate to her that you are truly one in a million.
Once you develop the relationship and get the girl, it may seem like you can let things slide, like grooming for instance. Wrong - most women appreciate a well groomed man! This means shaving, even on weekends, wearing some decent and somewhat fashionable clothing. Don't get lazy or sloppy just because you landed a great girl, otherwise you can just as easily lose her.
It will be important to her, to be able to integrate you into her circle of friends and family. She must see where you fit in, even after the initial weeks of passion have gone by. Make an effort to get along with her friends and try to create a good impression with her parents. Women often rely on their social network to validate their relationship choices - it's important to put forth a real effort here.
Always be considerate of her feelings. Women tend to be moody, often as a result of hormonal changes. If you can be sensitive to her moods you'll stay on her good side. A final bit of relationship advice, is to be open to trying new things. In the beginning, everything is new and exciting, from the way you kiss to the dates you go out on. But after a time, things can get a little routine and stale - you can fall into a rut. Now is the time to shake things up and try something fresh and new. A little excitement can keep your relationship healthy and enjoyable.
These ten relationship tips will keep your dating life strong and positive. These are common areas where men tend to have "blind spots" and problems, because they're not staying focused and in tune with the women in their lives. T. 'Dub' Jackson has written a terrific book, "The Magic of Making Up," with tons of common sense tips and suggestions which are bound to make your love life a whole lot smoother and better. Not only are these common sense steps helpful and useful with the woman in your life, but they can also help you with all your personal relationships, such as with co-workers, friends and family.
You may want to check out "The Magic of Making Up" yourself. This approach really does work like magic!
The author is a semi retired professional counselor with an interest in writing and helping people with their relationship and self-esteem issues. He believes in empowering people to solve and find their own solutions to problems. Relationships are important to the health and wellbeing of individuals in our society. Visit
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