
How To Make A Girl Chase You By Using Her Name

This is a trick that I stumbled upon accidentally. It wasn't until I was telling a friend about it that I realized it could be used on any girl.

For me, there is are two girl's names that always turn out to be bitchy. Those names are Brittany and Jessica. Every time I have met one they have ended up being average boring girls.

So whenever I meet a girl named Brittany or Jessica I tell them that "Every girl I have ever met named Brittany or Jessica has turned out to be boring."

This follows with them saying things like "Well I'm not boring!" or "That's so rude, you can't just generalize like that."

I say "All I said was that the past has shown me that girls with your name are generally not awesome people, I don't know you well enough yet but chances are you won't prove me wrong."

They then proceed to spend the rest of the night fighting for your approval. They want nothing more than to prove to you that they are awesome and different from all other Brittanys.

Most of the time they won't even realize this. They just so badly need you to believe that they aren't like everyone else so that they can tell themselves that they are a cool person.

When I have used this I've used it honestly. As in only on girls named Brittany or Jessica, but technically it could be used on any girl, aside from maybe a girl named Lafawnda because chances are you haven't met many Lafawndas.

The important here though isn't the technique or the method. It's the principal behind it.

To understand how to pick up any woman in any situation you need to be flexible. Rigid lines and routines will only work some of time, maybe most of the time. But principals will work all of the time.

So if we reverse engineer this, what is happening?

By immediately telling her about your bad past experience with girls that have her name you have forced her to qualify herself to you.

She now feels she has to prove herself to you, whether she realizes it or not. It has raised your value in her eyes on a subconscious level.

You have instantly, literally in the first minute of meeting her, stacked the deck in your favor and created attraction. You now have the upper hand and control the situation.

Let me be clear about one thing in this situation though... it needs to be playful. You can't just say "Jessica's are boring" with a straight face and harsh tone, it sends the wrong message.

A playful attitude about it keeps your value high without you being a complete asshole.

So the principal behind this is to do something immediately in the conversation that causes her to feel the need to be approved of by you.

One of the greatest human needs is belonging. Belonging to a group or social circle or anything. And by triggering that response in her mind, she wants to be around you and generally she will want to end up in your bedroom.

You can use this specific technique on just about any girl, but I suggest that you think more about the principal than the technique.

You can use anything you want to trigger this principal of instant attraction in any woman, no matter how beautiful she is.

Quick side note: This has actually worked for me every time I've used it. So use it sparingly, it's powerful stuff.

For more ways to trigger instant attraction and free hardcore training on how to attract and take home beautiful women go to http://www.sexualinception.com. You'll be glad you did.

Plus I'll let you in on the secret Japanese principal of Zanshin and how it changed my life forever.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jax_Owen

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