By Trudy-Ann Ewan
Becoming a Woman of Substance is more than just being a female, wife or being and becoming a mother. A Woman of Substance holds her head up high, she carries herself with respect regardless of where she is. She DOES NOT compete with other women. That's a waste of her precious time. A Woman of Substance is a Leader in her own life. She is focused on her personal development and self-growth. She knows that in order for her to be ready for an intimate relationship she needs to know how to be with herself and love being with herself. She is not defined by her gender, her ability or inability to give birth, nor does she see herself lesser than a man or even another woman.
She is not threatened by any woman. She lives her life with confidence. She has a high self-esteem and she knows that her worth is PRICELESS! She does not blame herself for the behaviours of her Intimate Partner nor does she seek to blame anyone outside of her marriage. She is not insecure and as such she does not go after other women who she suspects are involved with her Significant Other. She does not give her power away to her Significant Other nor does she give away her Power to the so-called "Other Woman".
A Woman of Substance does not have the time to waste getting involved in immature and childish behaviours. That is why it is so very important for those in her inner circles to also be Women and Men of Substance. A W.o.S knows that having in her life anyone who lacks substance will tear down her Mind and her high level of living. She removes herself from anything that is not bringing growth and substance to her life.
Because she knows her worth and she knows she is a Woman of Substance, she is not afraid to wait for a Man of Substance to cross her path. She just doesn't take the first pick because she is afraid of becoming an old maid or because some so-called biological clock is running out. A Woman of Substance seeks to empower ALL women to become Queen of Sheba, who was the original Woman of Substance. A Woman of Substance doesn't jump for any man. She walks calmly and in her own time to him. And if he can't wait, then she has no problem letting him go.
A Woman of Substance, who is married, holds her household together. She has no time chasing after her Husband, searching his text messages, stalking his FB Page, checking the phone records, watching his every move or trying to watch, stalk and or harass the movements of any woman she suspects he's involved with. That's time wasting. A Woman of Substance does not stoop to engage in gutter behaviour because that would make her lose her Woman of Substance title, which is her badge of honour. Instead she takes the time to heal her household.
A Woman of Substance is a Spiritual Woman, who uses the Spiritual Cleanser called Love to forge a deeper bond and a more solid and unbreakable relationship with her husband, thereby building a better foundation for her marriage. And by doing that she has no time to look outside of her household. She doesn't allow anyone to hold her and her life hostage. She gets it together, calls on her inner strength to help her to move forward and then she does that. Become and Be a Woman of Substance because there is no excuse to be anything less!!!
Trudy-Ann Ewan specializes in empowering women to become more within themselves. She works with them to build a healthier relationship with themselves so they can build better relationships with others. Sign up for your Trudy-Ann's free Newsletter, "Creating Your Passionate Life" when you visit Feel free to contact Trudy-Ann Ewan via the website if you are interested in any of her Speaking and/or Coaching Services.
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