
Trying to Save My Marriage - 3 Things You Must Not Do

Few periods in your life are more daunting and emotionally draining than when your marriage deteriorates to the point where divorce has entered the discussion. It is a point in a relationship you probably never dreamed you would get to. Yet, if you are reading this now, you are probably thinking to yourself, "I am really trying to save my marriage!"
We will talk about things that will help you to do just that shortly. But first, I want to share with you some things you must NOT do when you are in the process of trying to save your marriage.
You Must Not Try to Get Your Spouse to See the Error in Their Ways - This approach will almost always lead to an argument, even if what you are saying to your spouse is true. If things have indeed broken down to the point of divorce being discussed, the last thing your spouse wants to hear is what you think they have done wrong in the relationship. Doing this will typically have the opposite effect and instead drive your spouse further away.
You Must Not Try to Gain Sympathy From Your Spouse - Trying to gain sympathy from your spouse will not work at this point, either. Breaking down, sobbing, ending up in tears accomplishes nothing and often times will end up with your spouse being repelled by just such an occurrence. You do not need sympathy at this time anyway. For your own well being and to enjoy the fruits of a healthy relationship, what you require is love and respect, not pity.
Often times if your spouse is considering divorce, they have emotionally checked out by this time, anyway, so they often are not as sensitive to your feelings as they were when your marriage was healthier.
You Must Not Try Manipulating Your Spouse - You may think that you can simply dictate to your spouse what will happen next and can manipulate them to prevent divorce and save your marriage. This never works. Manipulation often is just a thinly disguised attempt at asserting control in the relationship and a battle of who has the most influence over the relationship is sure to ensue.
Staying away from doing those three things will greatly enhance your chances and indeed removed some obstacle from your path as you are trying to save your marriage, but there is much more you need to learn.
If your answer is yes to the question of, "Am I trying to save my marriage [http://www.learnhowtogetyourexback.info]?" there is help. Did you know there are proven methods available to you that marriage counselors often do not share? To discover what these are and more, you need to visit here today: [http://www.learnhowtogetyourexback.info].
Taylor Ranidae is passionate about love and relationships and writes articles focusing on helping people save their relationships and marriages. Her articles are a must read for anyone who is looking to either salvage or further enhance their relationship.

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