
How to Eat and Burn Fat at the Same Time


The human body is easily susceptible for weight gains due to sugar and salt cravings. This is just the nature of how things work, but that does not mean you have to sit idly by and watch your form slip away from your grasp! You can control this by eating the proper foods spaced out between meals throughout the day. However, fad diets and misinformation run rampant across the web telling you to starve yourself in order to maintain a "low calories" or "low carbs" diet plan. In reality the simple foundation for keeping your body lean is simple; eat foods that are healthy, and exercise frequently.

Why Do People Always Talk About Carbs?

Carbohydrates - or carbs - are the biggest talk in the fitness scene because they contain glucose or fructose, which are forms of sugar that your metabolism uses to create energy. When eaten correctly this macronutrient does what it is supposed, but eaten excessively you gain fat quickly.

When carbs are broken they are sent down to be stored in your muscles and then your liver. After that the rest is sent to fat cells waiting to become filled. The truth though is that you can gain weight from eating anything in excessive amounts, and that includes vegetables! So what you have to do is eat carbs in moderation just like any other kind of foods, but also keep in mind that you require more grams of carbs per day than protein.

Great carbs to eat are brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, and oats. Have popcorn on the side for snacking. Why would you want popcorn if you want to stay slim and burn fat? Honestly your body craves snacks, and why take away everything anyway since you only live once. Popcorn is actually a whole grain that provides your body with one daily serving of the amount needed of carbs, and you get fiber as well.

The High Protein Diet Plan

This is another diet plan that focuses on eating a higher amount of one macronutrient while sacrificing another. The whole point of this diet is to eat a higher amount of protein to keep your body full and appetite suppressed. This is where the saying "Good initiative, bad judgement" comes into use. Yes, protein does fill your stomach up and keep your cravings down for a couple of hours, but you cannot sacrifice the amount of carbs in order to achieve this.

Protein is found in all meats, but to stay lean focus on the breast meat of turkey and chicken. They contain a lesser amount of saturated fat compared to pork and beef. Then fish are a great source of protein that contain omega-3 fatty acids as well. You also have dairy products for slower digesting protein, and of course eggs.

Not All Fats Are Bad

Dietary fats are actually needed by your body and make up the third macronutrient that must be consumed on a daily basis. The amount needed is not high, but still something that should remain in your diet. People often confuse dietary fats - like olive oil and canola oil- with unhealthy fats. Saturated and trans fats are the ones you do not want in your diet. They cause cholesterol buildups that clog your arteries and cause health issues to occur.

You can eat properly now that you know all of these nutrients are needed regardless if you are muscle building or burning fat. Each person also has to eat the required amount of calories each day depending on their weight amount and activity levels.

The basic rundown of it all is that too many people are starving themselves just to lose weight, and if you are losing a lot of weight that is bad! You want to burn fat, which is entirely different than weight. When you burn fat you keep muscle and stay lean, plus muscle also burns more calories while your body is at rest. Nearly 50% of your diet consists of carbs, followed by protein, and then fats. Taking one out of the equation does not solve anything and takes you back to square one once you make even the slightest change in your diet. So enjoy food and remember that moderation is the key to staying in shape!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Pankau

Relationship Advice - Are You Afraid of Being Open With Your Partner?


Being honest takes a lot of courage for many people. After all, telling people what you really think and feel puts you in particularly vulnerable state. For some people, being vulnerable is the height of losing control. This can make it very difficult for you to be open with your partner even if you are married to them. Some people are much more introverted and reserved about their feelings, and this can make it very hard for them to say what they truly think and feel.
The first thing you have to do is figure out why you are so scared to be open and honest with your partner. After all, this is the person you should feel most comfortable with in the world. If you are married or in a long-term dating situation, this is the person you have chosen to spend the bulk of your time with. You should be able to tell them what is on your heart or in your mind. If you feel like you can't, you have to decide whether that is a problem you have or, if it's something about the other person helping to make you feel uncomfortable talking to them.
Think back to your childhood. Were your parents overly critical? Were you told to be seen and not heard? Some people seem to have a very hard time speaking up or defending themselves. You have to be aware just because you have an opinion you want to share doesn't mean people will stop liking you or loving you. If they do, they were never the right person for you to begin with.
A good partner will be understanding when you tell them it is hard for you to open up. Set aside some time to sit down with your partner and go about it slowly. Explain to them you have been hurt in the past, or that you don't like the feeling of vulnerability you get. However, you've got to get past those feelings in order to communicate effectively in a long-term, healthy relationship.
If you have a secret you have been keeping, it can be particularly hard to open up to your partner. This is especially true if you know what you have to say will hurt them. Infidelity is one such example of this. However, keeping secrets is only going to ruin the relationship in the end. Being honest and getting over the fear of telling the secret is critical to having any chance of saving your relationship.
Learn about yourself... what makes you this way? Are destructive emotions at the heart of the problems you are experiencing with your relationship? If so, maybe you need to get control of what you are really telling yourself and look at your beliefs?
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found the principles to help you get to the root causes of your crisis.
The solution is not in the endless volumes of information you find across the internet, or the advice your friends give... it's in yourself; the thoughts that make you who you are.

Long Distance Relationships - Are They Really Worth It?


I did it! I'm here! I finally made it. Hollywood, CA; where dreams are made; where fantasies become realities. The lights, the hills, the cobalt blue ocean, the smell of salt water in the air, and the endless stretch of golden beaches. It's all I ever wanted since graduating from college; to live with the stars among the rolling hills of Los Angeles; to write, to act, to break into "The Industry", to make a name for myself, and maybe even take a walk on the Red Carpet.
It's a dream come true. I finally got what I always wanted. So, why do I feel so damn empty? Why do I feel like there's a hole inside me; like I've lost an appendage; an arm, a leg, a foot, an ankle? I'll tell you why. It's because in moving out here, I abandoned two people in my life that I care for deeply; my girlfriend and her beautiful, soon to be four-year-old daughter. They're the light of my life. They give me purpose and meaning. They fill me up with an indescribable feeling of joy and fulfillment.

So, why didn't they come with me? Well, they just couldn't do it. It wasn't feasible. My girlfriend's support system-her parents, her family-they all live in Colorado. Her ex-husband, who's still very much a big part of his daughter's life, is a big shot financial officer at the Marriot in downtown Denver. And the little one, bless her heart, suffers from all types of allergies, which causes her esophagus to swell up and become irritated. The poor thing is allergic to almost every food you can think of; gluten, rice, nuts, dairy. She couldn't even eat her own Halloween candy after Trick-or-Treating. She had to give it away to her best friend. It just breaks my heart knowing that in another month's time she's going to be celebrating her fourth birthday and while everyone else is enjoying cake and ice cream she'll have to settle for avocado and tilapia. We're still hoping the condition gets better. But, from what the doctors are saying, it may be quite a while until she makes any progress.
So, as you can see, asking my girlfriend to move out to California is neither fair nor a very realistic option. Dragging an allergy-stricken three-year-old cross-country right when she's in the middle of her treatment wouldn't just be idiotic, it would be downright dangerous.
Now, we've tried to make the long-distance thing work, but it's been difficult. There's only so much you can do through the phone and Skype to maintain a healthy relationship. Most of the time, we end up arguing about stupid stuff like Facebook posts and Twitter. Breaking up and getting back together by the end of the call is pretty much the standard. I fly back whenever I can, but airfare's a big drain on the wallet. And for a starving writer living in an overpriced apartment near the beach, there's not much money for Starbucks, let alone trips to Denver. Not to say I don't love visiting. I do. It's absolutely wonderful. It's like being on a honeymoon. We do all the fun things we never did when I was living there, like goofy-golf, bowling, hiking, go-kart racing. And the best thing is, we cram it all in one weekend. It's awesome. I never want to leave. I wish I could stay there.
In fact, whenever I get back to LA, everything feels so empty and lonely. My fantasy apartment by the ocean doesn't seem so glamorous. I miss the smiles, the jokes, the laughter. I miss playing hide-and-go seek and reading books before bedtime. Sure, I got my dog, Rupert, to keep me company. He's a pretty good cuddler. But I'd much rather have a kiss from my girlfriend. At least she doesn't lick her own testicles!
So, I find myself faced with a pretty important decision. Do I stay here and try to hustle my way to becoming some big shot Hollywood writer/actor? Or, do I move back to Denver where I'm already a celebrity to the people that really matter? What's more important in life? Chasing a dream, trying to hustle my way into an industry that's notoriously nepotistic and narcissistic. Or is it being with the ones you love; starting a family, being a good husband, a devoted father?
By the way I poised that question you can tell I've pretty much already made my decision. Now, it's just a matter of working out the logistics. I have to say, I'm pretty excited. Starting a family of my own is something I've never really considered. For most of my life, I've been focused on one person and one person only: ME! ALL THINGS ANDREW!
It feels good to be letting go of that self-absorption; to be a part of something bigger than just my own little egocentric universe. And moving back doesn't mean I can't still work on my writing and acting. Quite the contrary. With the recent state incentives program, Colorado is quickly becoming a bourgeoning film industry. Just the other day, I had a talk with my former acting instructor, Benjy Dobrin, who said he's never seen this much growth and opportunity in Denver. Good to hear. It makes the transition all that much easier. I have some projects in the works that I'd like to get cranking on. I'm adapting my novel, Some Are Sicker Than Others, into a full-on theater production with lights, props, stage crew, everything.
So, with all of those projects in the pipe hole plus a new family, I'll be one busy little bee come this New Year. Sure, I'll miss the beach, the surf, the sand, the water. But what good is all that stuff if you don't have someone to share it? We can always move back once we have a more realistic plan developed.
Anyway, thanks for letting me share about my experience with long-distance relationships. And to answer to the question: Are they really worth it? Yes. Absolutely. But, in order for them to work, I think you have to agree on a solid date for getting back together. Leaving it unknown is too much stress on everybody, especially when there's a child involved in the equation. I'm very fortunate my girlfriend supported me through this little California excursion. A lot of women wouldn't have put up with it. They would've said, "Bye bye, see you later. Don't let the door hit you on the you know what!"
Then where would I be? All alone in an overpriced apartment, in a city full of strangers, trying to get into a party to which I wasn't even invited.
For more articles on love, addiction, and recovery, please visit Andrew's blog at http://www.portraitsofaddiction.com
And don't forget to pick up a copy of Andrew's award-winning novel, SOME ARE SICKER THAN OTHERS: A Harrowing Tale of Addiction and Recovery. Now available in ebook and paperback on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007B7GJGE