
Relationship Conflict and How Conflict Can Affect Your Well Being

The number one reason for conflict in relationships is stress. Relationships conflict can cause a high level of stress which in turn has a significant negative impact and worsens the situation and can create ongoing conflict. The stress of conflict in a relationship can not only affect the relationship but your health in many ways. Studies that were carried out showed that a repetitive or long term conflict situation was associated with huge functional limitations; self rated health as well as a number of serious health conditions.
This study proved that the impact of relationships conflict lowers the immune system besides many other factors. It is important to remember that ongoing conflict can really damage your health and cause psychological problems.

Besides ill health conflicts can also be physically painful as studies have shown that the pain of being alone and rejection is processed in limbic part or emotional of the brain that synthesis physical pain. When feeling rejected by your partner one can actually experience physical pain.
Then there are relationships in which people never fight openly with each other which suggest there is suppressed and underlying anger by one or both partners which are extremely unhealthy and studies have shown that relationships whereby one partner continuously suppressed their anger died at a relatively young age and couples where both partners suppressed their anger lived for many years.
It is tempting to vent anger knowing that the unresolved conflict carries a high risk but this is not always the right approach. The way a dispute in a relationship is resolved can either make or break the relationship which could lead to a life of loneliness or a supportive loving relationship. When trying to resolve a relationships conflict one must avoid exploding and shouting out in an angry hurtful manner rather address and resolve the dispute in a quite manner.
Being on the defensive and denying your wrong doing instead of looking at the possibility that you may be adding fuel to the fire, one should rather try and address the problem by listening objectively and understanding the other partner's point of view. Try not to blow a situation out of proportion and avoid pointing a finger such as "you never do what I want you to do" or "you are always late". Relationships conflicts should be resolved whereby both parties express how they feel in a calm positive manner.
Andrea is a software developer and writes articles online about computers, software but also health, sports, food and other interesting topics. Come to visit his new website that helps people find the best cappuccino machine [http://www.cappuccinomachineshop.com/] and reviews the Barista Espresso Machine [http://www.cappuccinomachineshop.com/Barista_Espresso_Machine.php].

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