
How to Lose Weight and Relieve Stress At Work

If you are suffering from work place stress you might be finding it harder than others to let go of the stubborn fat or even to start a reducing regime at all. If you have tried to reduce you weight but it still will not come off then one or several things maybe happening:
1. You might be reaching for foods to relieve the impact of stress more often than you think you are
2. If you are stressed at work then your body will go into protection mode trying to stop you from losing essential vitamins including weight
3. You may be eating food at work which has hidden calories
Firstly you should have a check up with your medical practitioner and discuss your weight issues and if stress is a problem for you the impact of stress on your wellbeing will be a vital part of assessing your needs.
If you have no apparent health issues you can try tackling the 3 points above either with or without medical advice.
1. If you reach for convenience and junk foods when you are feeling stressed at work, try having healthy alternatives in your bag or on your desk; cut back on processed foods, and only eat the best types of chocolate if that is your weakness. Keep a food diary and see when it is that you are most likely to reach for these types of food.
2. Try stress relieving techniques such as office yoga, acupressure and visualization to relieve the stress and stimulate a sense of wellbeing at work. A twenty minute walk at lunch time will have an added benefit of relieving tension and stress and toning your body
3. Your employers should be providing employees with a mixture of healthy foods in office based canteens, ask your managers about any changes which can be made to food provision. See a Naturopath to discuss your food diary and your attitude to food. Spend a little time last thing at night or first thing in the morning to make a great packed lunch to take in to work with you, if you start your day pampering yourself you will be already on the right road to self care.
However you tackle your weight loss keep in mind that a positive attitude will support you through, so celebrate every positive action that you take.
If you want great information and advice on weight loss and taking care of yourself at work visit [http://www.myworkplacewellbeing.com] and download the easy to use e-work book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide to Stress Management". The 5 easy steps to wellbeing are fast working and sustainable for all workers.

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