
Dating Younger Girls Vs Dating Older Women

Before you decide whether or not to start dating younger girls, it is important to first understand the differences between mature women and young girls. Once you know the general characteristics of both age groups, you will naturally feel inclined to approach one over the other. Chances are, you would rather have a younger woman hanging on your shoulder! Now this is not to suggest that sexism is cool. No one is saying that women who are older are unattractive. I am sure they are having their own fun!
Let's discuss the major differences in dating younger girls or older women. Mature women are more confident than younger woman, but that also means they are pickier when it comes to relationships. Older women can be dynamite in the sack due to their experience, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are open to anything, like their younger competition. However, younger women are more of the frame of mind that says, "Okay...show me what you have." Older women are more inclined to take you along for a mutually fun ride", and have usually mastered the "bitch" persona, meaning she doesn't need coddling. Dating younger girls, on the other hand, is different because they tend to be needy once you break down that wall.
Women of the older generation are often times ready to play "leader" in the relationship, since they are financially independent and experienced enough to know how love works. Younger women usually want to follow the leader and enjoy learning from her own private teacher, and are able to contend with hot/cold relationships (aka "drama" or hormonal roller coasters), whereas older women have outgrown this phase of their life, and look forward to stability.
Ironically, older women are harder to pin down when it's time for commitment and are usually at a comfortable place in life and will make room for you when they are interested. When dating younger girls, you will find them to be effusive and impulsive. A younger woman will make you the centre of her life if you give her good reason. Older women are not as afraid to walk away if they not entertained.
An older woman usually doesn't want children, especially if she's raised children from past marriages. A younger woman is just starting to sense her biological clock ticking, so beware or take care, depending on your view of children.
Children-rearing possibilities aside, younger women are easier targets when it comes to sex. Younger women take more risks and are eager to experience relationships, for better or worse.
We have to "go there", so be a man about it: younger women have better bodies! Period. Younger women have higher metabolisms, less stress lines, and collagen-filled skin. An older woman, indeed the proverbial MILF, is an acquired taste. The only physical advantage to dating older women is that they can better afford beauty treatment and they are probably in better shape than younger women who still binge-drink, sleep around, and junk food it up whenever possible.
The final thought on dating younger girls or older girls is this: date who you want, not who you think you belong with. What matters is that you are going after someone you're attracted to AND that you don't let other people's opinions dictate yours. Give yourself permission to date who you want to date. This is the right of every single man and woman!
If you want to learn how to be your best self so you can attract the younger women of your dreams, the visit http://www.secretsofdatingyoungerwomen.com/ and learn the secrets that have take me years to figure out.  You are guaranteed to be in the best position when it comes to dating younger girls.

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